A basement is a cool place for those trying to hide from life. There, on the small stage of the theatre “Lėlė”, a couple of slightly wacky voles and the ruler of a virtual world - a boy who has had a hurtful fight with his mom – meets. This is a story about a search for truth and the need to talk, about the fact that problems can be solved by saying them and not trying to escape them. In addition to the loneliness, family, friendship and mutual understanding, there is another story line waiting for you – a story about the greatest city in the world, Vilnius! Thanks to the voles who have lived all their lives in the basement, you will hear the legends and stories of this region and will encounter such mysterious creatures of Vilnius as the magician of magicians Tvardauskas and the Basilisk of Vilnius...
“Oh Lord, Vilnius!” Is the debut of the actor and director Ainis Storpirštis on the stage of the theatre “Lėlė". This is also the first attempt by the artist as a dramaturg. “I would like the children to ask their parents about Vilnius after the performance. I also would like this performance to become an impulse for them to spend time together and talk,” says Mr Storpirštis.