"A Girl and a Lark that sings and dances" by the Lithuanian poet Sigitas Geda is an ode to childhood, to the arising spirituality of a child and to the beauty of the world that surrounds him. It is a tale about a girl and her friend the lark that are given away to the wild animals by the girl's father. This story unfolds the inner world of a child, it's transformations and the natural strive for positive values.

Creators of the performance are fascinated by the motif of harmony between man and nature that is encoded in the play. "This play in verses by Sigitas Geda is a sort of an opposition to the harshness of the war-stricken reality of today: the world here is represented as a dream in which various magical characters, such as witches, dickens and animals, fight for the soul of a human.

Everyone seeks profit, everyone wants to establish his power, but the girl is being taken care of by the lark, who is a symbol of intuition, naive faith in beauty, harmony and nature elements that protect people. "I highly doubt that one can resist the aggression of contemporary world directly, so in order to live in harmony a person has to listen to himself, trust his inner voice like the Lark which each and everyone of us has inside us naturally", – says the director Algirdas Mikutis.