Olegas Ditkovskis

He was born in 1955, in Vilnius. O. Ditkovskis studied in the 35th Secondary School. In 1973-1983 he studied acting at the Lithuanian State Conservatory (now the Lithuanian Music and Theatre Academy). In 1984-1989 he studied film directing at Moscow Institute of Cinematography. O. Ditkosvkis worked in Šiauliai Drama Theatre, State Youth Theatre in Vilnius, acted in various movies.

O. Ditkovskis is a well-known song writer and singer; the most popular lyrics he performs are based on the works by the Lithuanian poets: H. Radauskas, A. A. Jonynas, S. Geda, R. Danys, S. Bareikis


Music composed by O. Ditkovskis in Vilnius Theatre Lėlė:

2016 S. Geda A GIRL AND A LARK THAT SINGS AND DANCES. Director A. Mikutis, designer A. Paukštienė, choreographer S. Mikalauskaitė

2012 PUSS IN BOOTS (based on the fairy tale by Ch. Perrault). Director A. Mikutis, designer A. Paukštienė

2010 J. Marcinkevičius THE WAR OF MUSHROOMS. Director A. Mikutis, designer A. Paukštienė

2009 K. I. Galchinsky THE LITTLE THEATRE OF THE GREEN GOOSE. Director and designer V. Mazūras

2001 S. Siudika THE PRINCESS AND THE SWINEHERD (based on the fairy tale by H. Ch. Andersen). Director A. Mikutis, designer N. Keršulytė

1999 S. Siudika THE THREE LITTLE PIGS (based on the works by S. Michalkov). Director A. Mikutis, designer A. Paukštienė