Šarūnas Datenis

Born in 1986, in Vilnius. In 2006, he started studying acting at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre  (specialization – puppetry actor, bachelor‘s course tutors – A. Latėnas and G. Storpirštis, master‘s – A. Mikutis). In 2012, he attained a master‘s degree. Since 2010, he has been working as an actor and director in Vilnius Theatre Lėlė. He created roles in television, cinema, directed performances and acted in Arts Printing House, Russian Drama Theatre of Lithuania, State Youth Theatre, etc.

Roles by Š. Datenis in Vilnius Theatre Lėlė:

2023 Pea | CIPOLLINO based on the book The Adventures of Cipollino by G. Rodari) | Director Š. Datenis, scriptwriter T. Laucius, designer A. Dubra, composer V. Leistrumas

2018 King Ubu, other roles. | KING UBU (based on the play by A. Jarry) | Adaptation author, director and designer N. Tranter, composer F. Latėnas, consultant screenwriter V. Grainytė

2015 Kolka Pankin| HOW KOLKA PANKIN FLEW TO BRASIL AND MARTIN NEPANKIN DID NOT BELIEVE HIM, OR GA-RA-RAR | Director O. Lapina, designer J. Skuratova, composer A. Gecevičius, A. Tulčinskij

2014 Nathaniel | SANDMAN (based on Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann) | Director G. Radvilavičiūtė, designer R. Valčik, composer R. Mačiliūnaitė

2013 Kai | THE SNOW QUEEN (based on the fairy tale by H. Ch. Andersen) | Scriptwriter and director N. Indriūnaitė, designer N. Keršulytė, composer F. Latėnas

2012 Marquis de Carabas | PUSS IN BOOTS | Director A. Mikutis, designer A. Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė, composer O. Ditkovskis

2011 The Performer | METEO (based on R. Bradbury) | Director A. Brashinskaya, designer J. Skuratova

2011 Various roles | V. Mazūras, D. Čepauskaitė JŪRATĖ AND KASTAUTAS | Director and designer V. Mazūras, composer F. Latėnas

2011 The Artist | EVERYMAN TO HIS TRADE (based on the book The Wanderings of Jurgis Paketuris by K. Boruta) | Director J. Čižauskaitė, designer A. Mikutis

2010 Various roles | J. Marcinkevičius THE WAR OF MUSHROOMS | Director A. Mikutis, designer A. Bagočiūnaitė Paukštienė

2010 Tebaldo | IN THE NAME OF... (based on W. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliette) | Director A. Jalianiauskas, designer V. Binkis

2010 The Artist | SHAKESREAPE, i.e. SHAKESPEARE (after W. Shakespeare’s Sonnets) | Director J. Čižauskaitė, designer R. Baradinskienė

2010 The King John, others | PRIVATE PROPERTY (after M. Martinaitis’ play The Little Sheep’s Trial) | Director and designer V. Mazūras, composer F. Latėnas

2009 Various roles | K. I. Galchinsky THE LITTLE THEATRE OF THE GREEN GOOSE | Director and designer V. Mazūras



2015 Golden Stage Cross Award and the premium of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania for the play Sandman (award for the entire creative team).

2014 International Puppet Theatre Festival Puppets over the Neman (Grodno/Belarus), an award for the Best Composer of the Festival for the music for METEO.

2012 Golden Stage Cross award for Rooster the Treasurer (Arts Printing House) in young artist category (award received together with the designer A. Dubra). The play was also nominated in the category of the best performance for children, the Golden Stage Cross Award.

2012 Awarded as The most promising actor of the Professional Theatre Festival We Play for the Farmers (in Rokiškis), the award for all actors in the play) for their roles in Jūratė and Kastautas.

2012 Golden Stage Cross Award for METEO, in the category of puppet and object theatre (the entire creative team awarded).